Standing on the shoulders of giants
I've made a few things in my time, vinyl records, radio shows, on the airwaves, arty stuff in galleries, photographs, letterpress stuff etc etc, but I've always had this feeling that it's not quite the making of real stuff. What real stuff is is obviously open to debate, but these video's by Anne Holiday nudged my thoughts in what feels like the right direction. Is the collection of over 60 chisels the sign of a real maker, or the sign of an obsessive collector/hoarder? I think it's a sign that Norman, who features in the woodworker film, cares a lot about the thing he has spent his spare time working on. Maybe makers, when they start out, all feel like me, and time spent doing and making is the thing that separates the real makers from the fakers. Or maybe it doesn't matter that someone only has one chisel and uses it only a couple of times.