Top things of 2014, number 10

As the year draws to a close, it’s hard, actually impossible for me not to think about what has happened in 2014. Here’s my top list of things that happened, because the world needs another list at the end of the year.

10.Taking the bull by the horns, otherwise known as quitting my job and starting something new. That happened in April, but i’d been thinking about it for months. It wasn’t as simple as quitting my job, it was actually my business, that I’d founded and run with someone else for six years. So there was a bit of clearing up to do, it actually felt like clearing up after a party with a hang over, and the hang over lasted a bit longer than I wanted it to. My first thought when someone says they shut down their business is that it failed because of money, which isn’t quite true for us. We failed because we lost our purpose.


Spare a thought

