They who do - Miniclick Panel Discussion
Really nice to be asked to be on this Miniclick panel discussion with a bunch of interesting people. We'll be discussing what it takes to make things happen, to start, to produce, to persevere when things might not be going as you'd like them.
It connects to the things I've spent a lot of my working life thinking about, why do I do the things I do, how have I ended up here and what is the meaning of life? Ok, I don't really spend a lot of time thinking about the meaning of life, but, it comes up when you start to consider why you do things once money is taken away or no longer remains the primary motive. I'm talking extremes and ideals here, because we all need certain things to live and in most cases those things can only be bought with money. But, maybe there are other ways to live and work?
I really am no expert, so don't come expecting loads of answers. But, I care and i'm super interested and curious about this subject, so expect some interesting chat between the 6 of us.