Ghostwatch Screening

I've been busy working on some personal projects this year, one of which is happening across a number of nights in October. I've joined up with the Miniclick team to present a month of events exploring horror, the supernatural and the paranormal and their connections to photography and film making. We'll be hosting a series of talks and a bunch of other stuff, more details to follow.

We'll also be hosting a special screening of the BBC TV show Ghostwatch at the Duke of Yorks. Some of you may remember it's original screening in 1992 and the hoo haa it caused, meaning it's never been shown again on television. After the screening, we'll have a panel that will include the writer and director and hopefully some other special guests. Tickets will be going on sale soon, for now, put the 14th of October in your diaries for what promises to be a very special night.


Atoms Collide #10


Do Camping