Embarking on a new venture - making notebooks (for others).  After playing around with the idea for the past 6 months, the need has arisen for me and Emily to do a bit more than just play around.  I have a business need, my company, People Who Do likes to give people handmade things like notebooks - I would prefer us to be making them.  I also have a personal need, to make nice things, to constantly be thinking about the design of things like paper and notebooks.

I just sent notebooks to Sam and Mark who have some plans to do something special with them which they will document online - I love this idea, made me think about starting some kind of assignment based around one of our notebooks that anyone can take part in.

If you’d like us to make you one (or more), let us know.  We are in the process of setting up a place to buy online, in the meantime, just email us to find out more.

More images here.

