I’ve always had an interest in the JFK assassination. I think I was bought a book one Christmas when I was about 12, a big, juicy book dissecting all the theory’s about what happened on Dealey Plaza on the 22nd of November 1963. It amazed me how many theories there were, some super complex and connected to Cuba and The Bay of Pigs, and some, simple; a lone gunman just hated JFK.
Fast forward 20 odd years, and I’ve been faced with some confusing stuff, accusations, things happening that were hard to fathom. I have probably spent more hours than I’d like to admit dissecting what all of it meant, never really coming up with any plausible or rational ideas. When I watched this short film, it moved me, because it reminded me to sometimes just let go, and, that there is no way I will ever be able to second guess what other people have done or are thinking, let alone control any of it.
If you’ve ever wondered why the hell anything has happened to you, I suggest you watch Errol Morris’s story and enjoy. At the very least watch from the 5 minute mark.
Watch here.