23 Jul Written By Curtis James “The trick to fostering collective creativity, Catmull says, is threefold: Place the creative authority for product development firmly in the hands of the project leaders (as opposed to corporate executives); build a culture and processes that encourage people to share their work-in-progress and support one another as peers; and dismantle the natural barriers that divide disciplines.” — How Pixar Fosters Collective Creativity (2008) Annnnnnnd…there you go. Cf. [via Tom the Shrink] (via merlin) Curtis James
23 Jul Written By Curtis James “The trick to fostering collective creativity, Catmull says, is threefold: Place the creative authority for product development firmly in the hands of the project leaders (as opposed to corporate executives); build a culture and processes that encourage people to share their work-in-progress and support one another as peers; and dismantle the natural barriers that divide disciplines.” — How Pixar Fosters Collective Creativity (2008) Annnnnnnd…there you go. Cf. [via Tom the Shrink] (via merlin) Curtis James