This website got it’s name from something said to me a few years back, they were the words of my then 7 year old son. We were discussing the stuff he was into, and he was saying some of the things I was into were not his thing, followed by the words, “dad, you’re not the kind of cool I’m looking for”. Those words seemed funny, nice and even cool until a couple of years ago. Now, I’m really not the kind of the cool he is looking for, in fact I’m the kind of cool he hates with a passion. I haven’t seen my 14 year old son for 8 months, and those days spent cuddling up with him on the sofa are a distant memory. It’s a struggle to continue seeing myself as a dad, and, for reasons I can’t go into here, for legal reasons, it’s just a struggle to continue this battle for what I see as an important right for any child, to be supported in his or her relationship with both parents.