This weeks likemind is all about noise, or, it can just be about coffee and chat if you prefer, it’s up to you.

If you feel like bringing something that makes a good noise, that would be cool.

For those that don’t already know,

Likemind isn’t normally about anything much.
It’s a monthly creative industries coffee morning or something near to that, and happens in sixty or seventy cities on the same day, see
But for the last few months, here in Brighton, we’ve been setting tiny assignments in the form of ‘Please bring with you …’ - where the ‘…’ has been replaced by ‘something made of paper’ (August), ‘an idea you like from some other city’ (September), ‘something for the winter’ (October), ‘a list of stuff you’d like to learn’ (November).

Image - “It’s a Nagra. Swiss and very precise. (via mab @ flickr)”

