Doing some personal reviewing and planning, which it seems is a good way to start my day, as I’m feeling pretty positive. I do an end of year review every December, so I reviewed the notes, and my notes taken whilst watching the Swiss Miss SXSW talk.
The words below sum up my feelings from looking at those notes.
Be an eccentric uncle/friend/mentor to someone - inspire someone
Wonderful things happen when your brain is empty - Spend time alone and away from the everyday
The best way to complain is to make something
Be kind
Embrace enthusiasm - and if there is none, ask why, try to fix it, but know when to give up and realise you or the other person isn’t into the thing
The photo is of Aby and chef (feel a bit bad not getting his name), who set up and runs a NYC restaurant called Camaje. I spent an evening with her as she took a group of business people through a cooking class, photographing the session for a potential book. I found this hiding in my negative folder yesterday, and it was a reminder of why doing stuff is so good. It reminded me of the importance of my plans for this year, and not to let them get sidetracked by the busyness of life.